Comment at least ONE thing you can celebrate yourself for RIGHT NOW (it can be from any timeline in your life!)! I’ll start – I’m so proud of all the inner work that I have been doing and am celebrating myself for SHOWING UP for my soul!

IF I TOLD YOU that you were incredible, that may not be enough for you to actually realize and believe it yourself, right?

I don’t know anything about you, so why would you believe me?

But hey- I’m speaking from the heart of the soul. I’m speaking from the truth of the Universe. I’m speaking from the perception of SOUL TO SOUL.

You are incredible. You are so loved and so lovable. You are so enough- much more than you can imagine. And you know what?!

YOU’RE F*CKING AMAZING just from how far you have made it thus far.

I mean seriously, look at all of the obstacles that you have persevered through. Look at all the chaos within your heart and your world that you have overcome and continue to do so every day (and the best that you can.)

CELEBRATE THAT! Celebrate yourself for ALLLLL that you have been through, don’t discredit or undervalue yourself in any part.

Being hard on ourselves is way easier than celebrating ourselves. But I encourage you to step out of that mindset and REALLY acknowledge all that you have been through.

YOU. ARE. AMAZING! (and I bet your dog, mom, best friend, etc., would agree – so why don’t you?!)

TOMORROW I’m unleashing the most incredible course I have ever made. And it’s for those souls who resonate and vibe with all things personal growth. This is your chance to learn how to love and value yourself all while growing and transforming!

Don’t forget to leave your celebratory comment below! I’ll be hugging your soul from afar!