Do yourself and the world a favor and learn to show up for yourself.

Nobody in this world is going to do your work for you. Just as you aren’t going to be doing their inner work for them.

That’s why people can’t ‘fix’ others. Nor should that ever be the intention to.

The only way you are ever going to learn how to get out of your way is by taking care of yourself and learning to go within.

Going within requires a lot of time, effort, integrity, and love.

And it is a process. By no means is it a marathon nor a sprint. It’s just a forever practice that you keep doing for the rest of your life once you begin.

Because once you begin, you learn that you are actually in control of a lot more than you think.

That life doesn’t have to kick your ass per se unless you’re asking of course. But it’s more about that life wants to work out for you if you want to WORK on YOU.

Learning how to show up for yourself is very much part of the process, in the beginning, middle, and end – for you never really stop once you start.

Learning to show up for yourself means making decisions that your soul resonates with despite the fear.

Learning to show up for yourself is knowing that fear is merely an illusion. Not only that but whatever you’re attached to within the fear is actually part of YOUR work to rise above it and transform.

Doing this inner work has many steps. But the first step is to always want to walk through that door – into the unknown. The unknown for your human self because your soul already yearns for more for a reason.

You already know there’s more. Your soul is literally trying to tell your human self. Yet the human has the mind and the mind holds fears.

What’s the worst thing that can happen? And, so what?

Is that worth missing out on the wonder of your entire life and letting fear block the way?