And there’s pretty much NOTHING you can do to convince me otherwise. Seriously, take a moment to reflect on your journey. You’ve kicked ass your whole life, and that’s not an overstatement. Think about the challenges you’ve faced, the obstacles that seemed insurmountable. You’ve been through significant stuff – heartaches, setbacks, disappointments – yet, here you are, standing stronger and more resilient than ever.

Every scar, every tear, every moment of doubt, they’ve all been stepping stones to the incredible person you are today. You’ve persevered through it all, not just surviving but thriving. You’ve woven a tapestry of resilience and strength with threads of your experiences, each one adding to your incredible story.

You’ve made it here, to this point in your life, stronger and more formidable than ever before. And let me tell you, there’s nothing more badass than that. Your journey, your battles, your triumphs, they all scream of the warrior spirit within you.

So keep doing you, and keep kicking ass. Because resilience? It looks incredible on you. It’s not just about bouncing back; it’s about glowing up from the ashes of what tried to break you. Your resilience is your power suit, your badge of honor, your most beautiful outfit. Wear it with pride.

Keep shining your light, keep showing the world what you’re made of. Keep being that badass that I, and everyone else who truly knows you, see and admire. Your resilience, your strength, your unbreakable spirit – that’s your superpower. And in this world that tries to dull the sparkle of strong women, keep shining brighter. You’re not just making it through – you’re setting the world on fire with your badassery.